Block 9: Climate

What's It Like Living There?

When someone asks, "What's the weather?" they mean what is happening right now. If they ask, "What is the climate like?" they are inquiring about the long-term average of the weather in that region.

If it rains hard for two days a year but the remaining part of the year is hot and dry, the climate would be considered arid or desert like.

Weather changes can occur quickly. For instance hot and humid in the morning and colder after a severe thunderstorm in the late afternoon. Climate can also change, but only after an extended number of years.


1. Watch each of the following videos. List five facts from each of them. Include and highlight the most important vocabulary in the video.

2. Read: pg. 587 - 608

3. Do: Chapter 21 worksheet pages 152 - 158

Factors that Affect Climate

Climates of the World

Climate Change

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